a very, very, private.글 1264건
2014.11.08 idl in Yosemite
2014.10.23 Converting .dvi to .eps
2014.10.08 정직한 마음
2014.09.27 B&W P7
2014.09.25 Maybe we could go back to then
2014.09.18 꿍실꿍실꿍실
2014.09.17 1/15 (202)
2014.09.16 _
2014.08.26 expanding TeXtoIDL
2014.08.17 all alright
idl in Yosemite

host-iMac:~ host$ idl

dyld: Symbol not found: _inflateReset2

  Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib

  Expected in: /Applications/itt/idl71/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/libz.1.dylib

 in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib

remove libz.1.dylib from /Applications/itt/idl71/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/


Converting .dvi to .eps

>> convert .dvi to .eps

: bash$ dvips -E file.dvi -o file.eps

>> edit size of the eps file 

:  find "%%BoundingBox: LX LY UX UY" from 'file.eps', where LX and LY are coordinates of lower-left corner and UX and UY are upper-right corner, respectively.

>> use the eps file in LaTeX

정직한 마음

B&W P7

Maybe we could go back to then

1/15 (202)

15 roll 중의 첫 번째, 

그리고 202번째 roll의 scan을 시작.


expanding TeXtoIDL

         'leq': = '!9' + String("154B) + '!X'          'geq': = '!9' + String("142B) + '!X' 'neq': = '!9' + String("75B) + '!X' 'deg': = '!9' + String("45B) + '!X' '+-': = '!9' + String("53B) + '!X' 'equiv': = '!9' + String("72B) + '!X' 'prime': = '!9' + String("140B) + '!X' 'angstrom': = '!3' + String("305B) + '!X' 'sun': = '!D!9n!N!X' 'varphi': = '!9' + String("120B) + '!X' 'infinity': = '!9' + String("44B) + '!X' 'copyright': = '!3' + String("251B) + '!X' 'up': = '!U' 'down': = '!D' 'exp': = '!E' 'sub': = '!I' 'n': = '!N' 'div': = '!9' + String("57B) + '!X' 'times': = '!9' + String("130B) + '!X'

all alright
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