(*Socker : Sugar in English )
Det ar bortom min kontroll
It's beyond my control
Du lamnade mig ensam
You left me alone
Och sjalvklart blev jag radd
And naturally I got scared
Min sista gnista hopp
My last glimpse of hope
Var att synas, att bli sedd
Was to be visible, to be seen
Och jag glommer bort att andas
And I forget to breathe
For sex, musik och vald
'Cause sex, music and violence
Var det vackraste som hant mig
Was the most beautiful that has happened to me
Sen sjalen min blev sald
Since my soul was sold
Att synas utan att verka
To be seen without effect
Ser enkelt ut pa hall
Looks easy from a distance
Men jag lever pa impuls nu
But I live on impulse now
Via fjarrkontroll
Via remote control
Men jag sa alltid nej
But I always said no
Men ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hor
But no one, no one, no one, no one hears...
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hor
No one, no one, no one, no one hears...
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hor
No one, no one, no one, no one hears...
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hor
No one, no one, no one, no one hears...
Och gast ikvall ar Jesus
Our guest tonight is Jesus
Han har kickat heroin
He's kicked his heroïne habit
Han lappjar pa sitt glas
He's sipping from his glass
Och Ramlosa blir vin
And mineral water becomes wine
Han berattar om sina vapen
He tells about his weapon
Sin tid i San Tropez
His time in Saint-Tropez
Om att ge sig sjalv en chans
About giving himself a chance
Om sin nya Z3
About his new (BMW) Z3
I en varld av idioter
In a world of idiots
Star han forst i kon
He stands first in line
Han berattar framfor kameran
He talks in front of the camera
Om hur han bytte kon
About how he changed his sex
Eller nat helt annat
Or something completely else
Som ocksa ar privat
Which is private as well
Om alla dom han alskat
About every one he loved
Och dom han bara sog av
About those he only gave head
Men han sa alltid nej
But he always said no
Spelar inte langre nagon roll
Does it matter anymore
Jag orkar inte slass
I'm tired of fighting